1) Online entrepreneur- You will not find anything on selling shirts, shoes, scarves online in any part of my blog.
2) Celebrity blogger- You will never see me trying to organize any online contest or gathering to celebrate my followers. I don't think I have any.
3) Virtual demonstrator a.k.a virtual anti-establishment- You may never find my post protesting any policy made both by the proposition or opposition organization of the country.
4) Infotainment journalist- Nothing will be posted on celebrity gossips etc marriage, breakups, legal actions..etc etc...
BUT I AM A/AN ..........
1) Lover- Sometimes I will write dedications for the love I have for my family members, my best friends, my acquaintances, my superiors, my other half.
2) Observer- All the time I will write reflection on my life experience. Often on whatever I watched, I experienced...whatever I handled.
3) Language Instructor- There will be times I will write about my students, my pedagogical agents and methods.. and everything related to the teaching and learning of English and German.
4) Book lover- Being an avid reader makes me keen to write reviews and opinions and novels I have read. I love doing this.
5) Motivator- This is just a try and error event. I am not one but I believe by sharing motivational quotes that i have clung to may not just inspires me but as well helps to empower you. :) Sharing is loving.
That are basically what I am and what I am not thus I hope all of you may just..........
Will ya?'
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